So for those who dont know there is this webiste,
Influenster and they do these things...wonderful little things, called a
vox box. On influenster you fill out info like if you own a blog, have a youtube, use a smart phone etc, and earn badges. The more badges you have the more you may qualify for a voxbox. A voxbox is a sometimes themed box of goodies and samples sent to the qualifiers for review and testing!
I have been selected for my second box, this one being the Summer Beauty Box! Influenster will send me the following:
~1 Nail Product
~1 Feminine Hygiene Product Sampler
~1 Sun Care Product
~1 Mini Hand Lotion
~1 Snack Bar
~1 Shampoo and 1 Conditioner
Please stay tuned! Boxes will be shipping out soon and I cant wait to get mine!! Thank you Influenster!
<3 Brandy Backlash <3